By Pamela Palumbo, CEO
Dear friend,
Our clients come from all walks of life. Each one facing an unexpected pregnancy with unique challenges and circumstances. Regardless of their situation – Satan’s arrows targets them all.
Here is the story of one woman who had been raised in the church, now with a committed partner and solid financial footing, who was still vulnerable to the attack of the enemy.
Kayla and her long time boyfriend were making plans for their wedding when she started feeling the familiar signs of pregnancy. With a two year old daughter at home and the busyness of wedding plans, she hadn’t even noticed when she missed her period.
The thought of a pregnancy at this time sent Kayla into a tailspin. Although both she and her fiancé had good jobs and solid support from their extended families, Kayla’s history of depression and anxiety convinced her that this pregnancy was too much to handle. Although she was raised in the church, Kayla’s faith had lapsed in recent years.
Kayla realized that she was strongly considering an abortion. She began searching for help and made an appointment with us for the next day.
What a divine appointment it was! Kayla met with a counselor who understood her fears and concerns, knew where to direct her for resources and pointed her back to Jesus. Kayla left our clinic with a renewed spirit and hope. She and her fiancé are committed to raising their two children, and Kayla is grateful that she is back on track and pursuing a relationship with Jesus.

Friend, like Kayla, we are all vulnerable to Satan’s constant onslaught – that’s why Paul exhorted us to be prepared and ready for battle.
When you become a financial partner with Wellspring Life Ministry, you provide a safe place for women like Kayla who need compassionate help and resources, Your support ensures that there is a counselor ready to listen, an ultrasound machine ready to show the truth of life, and Bibles ready to be put into the hands of those who need God’s word.
The battle for Life is raging around us, with the lives of women and preborn children in the crosshairs. Please prayerfully consider your life-saving gift.
To Life!

Pamela Palumbo, CEO