Wellspring Life Ministry is a faith-based, medical non-profit serving those facing pregnancy-related and sexual health issues by offering physical, emotional, and spiritual support and empowering them to make healthy and life-affirming decisions.
Statement of Faith:
Introducing Wellspring Life Ministry:
In 2021, Wellspring Life Ministry was chosen as the ministry’s ‘umbrella’ name to serve over all our services, including the three Women’s Clinic offices, LifeSense Education and BabyAid+, Men’s Support, Sexual Health Clinic, Post-Abortion Healing, Abortion Pill Reversal, and Women’s Wellness. Learn more about the meaning behind our new name in this video clip.
Our History:
Waking up in the cold harsh reality of the detox unit of the hospital where she worked, Ila Ryan knew she had hit rock bottom. Through the cycle of abuse, alcohol, and pain, she’d had not one, but four abortions. She was grieving not only the loss of her preborn children, but her spiritual emptiness. That changed when a Christian shared the Gospel with her and Ila accepted Christ as her Savior and Lord.
A few years later in 1981, this brave woman stood in her Sunday school class and shared her story. When she finished, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room, but she was there to challenge the class to do something so women would realize that they had a choice; they had options.
In May of 1982, the Bowie Crisis Pregnancy Center opened its doors to provide those options: help and hope, for now and eternity, to women making decisions regarding unexpected pregnancies. Those foundational values and our mission of “empowering individuals to make healthy, informed, life-affirming choices” have remained steadfast as we have watched the ministry’s name evolve, locations expand, and services grow. In 2005, the Severna Park office opened, bringing redemption to the former Gynecare Abortion Clinic, turning it from a place of death and darkness to a refuge of life and light. In 2012, the Annapolis office opened, providing an option for women going into Planned Parenthood for abortions, just 100 feet away across the street.
Today, Wellspring Life Ministry (formerly the Pregnancy Clinic Ministry) is a refuge where the truth is spoken in love, the Gospel is shared, and a drink from a “cup of cold water” is offered. Within our doors, clients receive help and healing and see life as God sees it… each of us made in His Image, valuable and full of hope.


Bowie Crofton