With the Gospel as our foundation, Wellspring Life Ministry has been serving Annapolis, Bowie Crofton, Severna Park, and the surrounding communities since 1982. We provide free medical services, options counseling, education, and community referrals to women and families.
Providing Help and Hope
Many women facing unexpected pregnancies don’t know where to turn. We’re here to help, without judgment, but with compassion for each woman’s unique situation.
Complete the Volunteer Interest Form below, or contact Angela Murray, Director of Outreach and Volunteers, at 443-857-8045 or angela@wellspringlife.org for more information. We look forward to seeing where God would have you serve in this Ministry.

While not a primary focus, our life-affirming work also addresses some of our community’s at-risk indicators. Click to learn more.

Mission and History
We were established in 1982 when a woman told her story to a Bowie Sunday School class. Click to read about how we got started.

We aim to be fully transparent to everyone who invests in the work God is doing through this ministry. Click for details.

Read recent newsletters for updates and stories of transformation – or sign up for our mailing lists. Click to get started.

Affiliations and Memberships
Click here to learn about some of our important connections within the larger community.