Hayley’s Story


And who knows if perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14b)

As we see the last few days of 2024 before us, we are filled with thoughts of gratitude for you, our faithful partners in this mission field.  Your prayers, commitment, and generosity have sustained and equipped us as we continue the battle of protecting the Sanctity of Life.

When we first opened our doors in 1982, we could never have imagined the ongoing battle for the lives of preborn babies these many years later. Yet, here we are, still standing firm in the fight, as the war against the preborn grows more intense and brazen. We see abortion promoted as healthcare, funded by our tax dollars, and unrestricted in many states, including right here in Maryland, where the “right” to abort your child is now codified in our state constitution. The culture around us increasingly embraces and glorifies the death of innocent children.

Now, in 2025 and beyond, God is calling us “for such a time as this.” Could it be that He is also calling you to join us in standing for life in this current culture? To courageously stand in the gap for abortion vulnerable women and for the unique, irreplaceable lives of preborn babies?

Let me tell you about one of these women: Hayley*, whom we met earlier this year.

Hayley, a young single mom, was in an unstable relationship with her boyfriend and grieving the loss of her beloved grandmother when she began to suspect she was pregnant. Anxious and fearful about having another baby after a difficult previous pregnancy, Hayley searched for a place to go for a free test, and if the test was positive, to schedule an abortion as soon as possible.

After finding the Women’s Clinics online, Hayley texted us and made an appointment for a pregnancy test and ultrasound the following day.

Hayley and her boyfriend, Brian, came to our Bowie office, both looking distraught and nervous. They had argued on the way to the appointment, both at odds over what they thought was the best thing to do. Later, when the couple was together in the ultrasound room, they were shocked to see a 14-week-old, lively little baby with a strong heartbeat.

“Neither one of us was prepared to be as far along as I was when I got the ultrasound done,” Hayley recalls. “Seeing the baby made thinking about abortion difficult for both of us.”

The couple left the office with the ultrasound pictures in their hands, still unsure of what was the “right” thing to do.

We didn’t hear from Hayley and Brian for several months, and feared they may have gone through with the abortion, but staff and volunteers continued to pray.

Late last summer we were overjoyed when we received a text from Hayley with exciting news. She had had her baby!

“This pregnancy was not an easy one from the start but we are in a good place. I’m still grieving my grandma and taking that day by day as she was my main support system. We started couples therapy shortly after and Brian was able to attend the Strong Fathers LifeSense class offered by your Clinic. My son loves his little sister and is so proud to be a big brother.”

This Christmas will be a very special one for Hayley and Brian, her young son and their very loved 4-month-old daughter. Hayley is amazed every day at the way her life has changed.

“Our daughter is everything we could have never imagined, and we love her so much.”

At Wellspring Life Ministry, abortion vulnerable women like Hayley reach out to us… every single day. Will you stand with us, to boldly work to reach women with the truth, medical services, practical help, and the hope of the Gospel?

Your financial partnership will make a Life-Saving difference as together we answer God’s call to affirm the value of every life, created in the image of God.

Will you prayerfully consider making a life-saving year end gift?

Together, at such a time as this, we will continue the work that God has set before us, serving women, saving lives, and sharing Jesus.

To Life!

Pamela Palumbo, CEO

Read all the stories in this series.