Jenae’s Story


Every day in our Clinics we see women from all walks of life and every circumstance. An unexpected pregnancy can set their life on a completely different path, and cause to them to consider choices they once thought were unthinkable.

Jenae* had her life mapped out and was on a course to build her career with marriage and family definitely in the distant future. A positive pregnancy test had her questioning everything: Could she still achieve the career goals that meant so much to her? How could she juggle motherhood, career and be a good mom? Would an abortion be the better “choice,” but could she live with herself not ever knowing the child she was already carrying?

Jenae texted us to make an appointment to talk about her options. Anxiety ridden and filled with guilt over what she was considering, she sat in her car for several minutes before getting the courage to walk through our door.

During her counseling session Jenae found something completely different: compassion, understanding, and a counselor who truly cared about her. Talking through her life goals, and her deep desire to be a good mom, Jenae began to see the beauty in a new plan with a slightly different timeline. Her career goals were still in reach, but they were secondary now. Seeing her tiny preborn baby’s heartbeat on the ultrasound filled her with amazement and newfound confidence. Her anxiety was replaced with joy and gratitude for the life she saw on the screen.

“I felt much better after my visit to the clinic & our session helped me to think clearly, so thank you for that!” Jenae texted her counselor a few weeks later. “Our conversation was so much of a confirmation of God’s continual love for me! Thank you so much! The clinic is truly a blessing!”

God perfectly positioned Wellspring Life Ministry to reach Jenae in the midst of her crisis. Your fervent prayers and financial support, and the caring commitment of Ministry counselors and staff, gave Jenae the courage to persevere through her fears and embrace the joy found in following God’s plan for our lives.

Because of you, Jenae felt God’s continual love for her in a real, tangible way.

When you partner financially with Wellspring Life Ministry, you offer that gift to other women in our community. We hope you will prayerfully consider your life-changing and life-saving gift.

To life!

Pamela Palumbo, CEO

Read all the stories in this series.