We all know that life rarely goes as we have planned. Unexpected trials can completely overwhelm us, leaving us feeling lost and alone.
Even more so when there’s a surprise pregnancy involved.
Here’s the story of how one woman faced that trial and found God’s strength.
Like many of our clients, Marissa* never thought that she would be facing an unexpected pregnancy and contemplating an abortion. Already a devoted mom to two young daughters, she had recently ended a long-term relationship with her boyfriend and the prospect of adding another child to her life was overwhelming.
Marissa came to the Bowie Women’s Clinic last summer, distraught and seeking someone to talk to about her options. She met with a volunteer counselor and although she was still undecided, she listened intently to the information provided and was visibly moved by the support and kindness of her counselor.
Over the next few weeks, Marissa stayed in touch with her counselor and they continued to discuss her options and the resources available to her. As the counselor encouraged her to pray and seek God’s will for her life, she also reminded Marissa of God’s unfailing love for her and for her children. “God was clearly at work,” her counselor recalls.
One day a few weeks later, Marissa texted her counselor and told her that she had decided to keep the baby, and that her daughters were excited to be big sisters to a little brother due in the new year!
God knew exactly what Marissa needed. In the midst of her distress, He pulled together volunteers, staff, and even prayers from Wellspring Life Ministry partners (partners like you!) who were complete strangers to her – to remind her of His deep and abiding love for her and her children.
Marissa, and the many women like her, are the reason why this Ministry exists – and why your partnership is truly life-changing and life-saving. Please consider partnering with us as we continue to serve women, save babies, and share Jesus in the coming year.
In Christ,