Do you remember what it was that first drew you to this ministry? The mission to save the lives of preborn babies, to minister with love and compassion to women and men in crisis pregnancies, to share the Gospel with a lost and hurting world??
God can use each of us to serve Him in this Ministry – if we are willing to heed His call.
For Noelle, it was about constitutional rights.
Noelle is 17 years old and a senior at Rockbridge Academy. As an honors student, involved in sports and other extracurricular activities, Noelle has a love for learning. She was in 6th grade when her mom started to volunteer at the Annapolis Pregnancy Clinic, and Noelle wanted to learn more about the ministry in which her mom served.
“I’m a big constitution fan!” she shared. “I believe strongly in the ideals behind America’s founding, that all men are created with equal rights. Babies are made in the image of God, but nobody was protecting them or their rights. As a kid myself, I thought that’s horrible. That could be me, could be anyone.”
Her passion to advocate for the preborn led her to start a Students for Life group at her school. She connected the group with this Ministry, volunteering at our events and raising money. Noelle participated in the Right to Life essay contest, winning first place for Maryland and at the national level in 2018. The more she became involved, the more she realized that while the babies needed protecting, the women who were considering abortion needed help as well.
“I’ve seen and heard stories of the impact the ministry has on real people in my community, and I want to be a part of that,” Noelle say. “I think it’s great that there’s a Christian ministry that can combine physical resources with counseling and hope of the gospel.”
Noelle’s encouragement to other young people – other students – is that getting involved is very rewarding. “I thought I couldn’t volunteer because I wasn’t old enough, but it’s really important for young people to educate themselves and get involved. There are many ways we can help and use our enthusiasm for the cause.”
even as the highest court in our nation is considering the topic of abortion once again, we know abortion is deeper than a legal issue, or even a constitutional one:
It is an issue of the heart.
Women reach out to us every day, desperately needing the hope and light of Christ to shine into their dark, hopeless situations.
It is more important than ever that we, the entire Wellspring Life Ministry community, stand firm and embrace them with compassion, real help, and the hope of the Gospel.
This Christmas season, please prayerfully consider partnering with us in this life-saving, heart-changing work.
Grace and peace be with you and your family!
Angela Murray, Director of Outreach and Volunteers