As we close out another year, our hearts are filled with gratitude for all God has done through this Ministry in 2024. We are also thankful for YOU: for your prayers and gifts which make it possible for women to find our life-saving services and to hear the Truth spoken in love.
I want to introduce you to one of the women you have helped this year.
Noelle* was busy planning for her senior year of high school, working part-time and dreaming of the future when she found out she was pregnant. She immediately told her older sister, seeking her advice but not wanting to tell her parents.
Noelle had never thought she would find herself in this situation, and although she thought abortion was wrong, she didn’t rule it out. Her sister had heard of the Women’s Clinics and texted for an appointment for Noelle.
On the way to the Clinic the sisters talked about the pregnancy, and the support she would have from her immediate family and friends. Noelle’s heart began to change and she could see a future that was different from what she had planned, but still filled with love, adventures, and a support system to stand by her.
At the Women’s Clinic, Noelle was given the hope, help, and resources she needed and the chance to see her baby on an ultrasound.
“I just needed help to wrap my head around what I needed to do to be a good mommy,” Noelle said, smiling at the ultrasound pictures on her way to tell her parents. “We’re gonna be just fine.”
When you partner with Wellspring Life Ministry, your financial gifts help women like Noelle find the courage and strength to choose life. You provide real help in the form of resources, medical services, and the life-changing hope of the Gospel.
We are grateful to have you stand with the women and babies we serve. Please prayerfully consider your life-saving gift.
With you in Christ,
Pamela Palumbo