We so excited to share that this spring, we launched our Thriving Women services to offer women’s wellness care!
We’ve hired Lianna Stockeland, a local nurse practitioner who is passionate for Jesus & women’s health, to work with Dr. Maryrose Eichelberger, a ministry volunteer, to expand our women’s reproductive health services. Our clinics will now be offering cancer screenings (including pap smears), breast exams, fertility education, and more – in addition to our current STD/HIV testing and treatment.
Wellspring Life Ministry does not intend to become a woman’s primary care; our primary target is and will always be pregnant abortion minded women. However, “reaching her” is much harder and more complicated than before. By expanding reproductive health services, we are building a relationship with her as the professional, trustworthy clinic we are – before she is in a position when she might consider abortion – and hopefully reaching her friends and circle of influence as well.
Please continue to pray for the ministry as we care for women in our community.
To life!
Pamela Palumbo, CEO