
Be in the know about everything we’re doing to reach the abortion-minded woman by reading our monthly blogs! Here, you can learn more about what the abortion-minded woman is going through, ways to reach her, how we’re growing, and how your partnership is impacting and saving lives. Get educated and informed to stay in the fight for life.

Reconsidering Her Choice

When Shonda visited the Women’s Clinic this week, she had already scheduled a surgical abortion. After spending time with our counselors and seeing her unborn child on the ultrasound screen, she said to her friend, “Maybe I should cancel my (abortion) appointment”. Thankfully her friend agreed with her. Shonda decided to schedule a second ultrasound

She Chose Life!

Caitlyn* came to see us a few weeks ago, suspecting she was pregnant but was admittedly in denial. A single mom with a toddler, Caitlyn felt overwhelmed by many circumstances in her life and wasn’t sure how she could handle another child. A positive pregnancy test in our office confirmed Caitlyn’s suspicions, and she broke

Abortion Pill Now Available at CVS and Walgreens

Massive changes in the promoting and selling of abortions is happening at light speed. The Abortion Pill is now accounting for 60% of abortions, outpacing surgical abortions in the US. This is due to the Biden administration’s push to make this deadly drug easily accessible, even to a pre teen without parental knowledge. There are

Another Life Saved

Praise for Elice! We are praising God today for bringing “Elice” to our clinic recently. When she first came to us, she was adamant about wanting an abortion, fearing that she would be all alone in raising a child and would receive no help from family or the baby’s father. After speaking with one of

A New Year’s Eve Thank You

Dear friend, We just wanted to stop in at the end of your festive day to say, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It is a privilege to serve God with you in the battle for life in our community. Wishing you a blessed, joyful New Year’s Eve celebration – and Happy New Year! Your

Tiny Image-bearers…

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Dear friend, Happy New Year! 2023 has certainly been a year of challenges and blessings! On the one hand, we have watched the political climate heating up after the overturn of Roe, bringing pregnancy care centers and prolife work into the crosshairs of state and federal governments, politicians, and the abortion

Emily and Tyler

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Dear friend, With the new year quickly approaching, my heart and prayers are filled with gratitude for another year of seeing God at work in this ministry. We see lives saved and transformed every day in our three offices when women are offered help, hope, and the life changing power of


By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Dear friend, As we stand at the threshold of another year’s end, we are deeply grateful for the unwavering partnership that has fueled our mission to protect the most vulnerable among us – innocent lives yet to be born. Throughout this year, your prayers, commitment, and generosity have been instrumental as


By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Dear friend, “Children are a gift from the Lord – a reward from Him.” (Psalm 127:3) In our prolife work with this Ministry, we say these things often and know them to be true: “each baby is a gift” – “preborn life is priceless” – “we are perfectly knit in our


By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Dear friend, Motherhood is a special, unrivaled experience. But pregnancy and childbirth are hard. Add in illness, anxiety, fear of the future, insecure relationships, or uncertainty about motherhood – and Satan has a perfect opportunity to attack with his flaming arrows. Check out this story about “Keisha,” one of our clients who choose life in the