Author: Sharon Patten

Be in the know about everything we’re doing to reach the abortion-minded woman by reading our monthly blogs! Here, you can learn more about what the abortion-minded woman is going through, ways to reach her, how we’re growing, and how your partnership is impacting and saving lives. Get educated and informed to stay in the fight for life.

January is Sanctity of Human Life Month

On January 13, 1984, President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation designating January 22nd as the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day, noting that January 11 was the 11th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states. January 2023 will commemorate the 39th year our nation has observed the sanctity

Note #8: From a Veteran

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO “Cherished and Irreplaceable.” As the new year fast approaches, my heart and prayers are filled with gratitude for God’s overwhelming blessings over this Ministry. During an often tumultuous time in pro-life work,  Wellspring Life Ministry has been covered by your prayers, strengthened by our faithful volunteers, and sustained by your generous,

Note #7: Bound for Death

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Earlier this year, we waited and prayed for the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobb’s case, which would impact Roe v Wade. When they voted to overturn the decades-old decision, we rejoiced. As we celebrate in the saving of lives from this decision, here in Maryland the battle for life rages

Notes #6: It takes two to tango!

By Pamela Palumbo CEO “I’m pregnant.” Those two words can bring a world of emotion to any young man’s mind. Elation. Excitement. Worry. Fear. Anger. His reaction to her announcement really matters. In fact, research shows that the baby’s father has the most influence in an abortion decision – by far. In our Pregnancy Clinics, we have

Note #5: A story of three mothers

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Motherhood is a special, unrivaled experience. In fact, scripture frequently compares God’s love for us to a mother’s love for her children. This type of love is a gift that God gives to moms – a precious gift that many women reject during a time of crisis, instead making a devastating decision that cannot

Note #4: From inside the battle

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO In our lives, we will encounter moments when the choice we make will dictate the rest of our lives. For the women we serve, one of those moments is when they see the second line appear on their pregnancy test: Pregnant. She has a decision to make. One that will forever change

Note #3: Rejection stings!

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Being pro-life can be challenging in today’s world.  We all have coworkers, friends, even family members who have been blinded by the lies of the culture and believe that the pre-born have no rights, no status, no value, and that abortion is “health care.” Those of us who stand up for

Note #2: When a wedding ring didn’t matter…

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO Does it surprise you to know that 15% of our clients are married?  Our clients come from all walks of life: young and middle-aged, employed and unemployed, married and single. Their circumstances are all as unique as they are! But their reactions are usually similar: Shock. Dismay. Fear. Uncertainty. Katie, a volunteer counselor and

Fieldnotes Compilation

Notes from the Field! Note #1: Two Heartbeats? Posted 12-1-2022 by Jenn W. Note #2: When a wedding ring didn’t matter Posted 12-4-2022 by Katie E. Note #3: Rejection Stings! Posted 12-10-2022 by Karen Note #4: From inside the battle Posted 12-14-2022 by Corrie Note #5: A story of three mothers Posted 12-18-2022 by Veronica

Note #1: Two Heartbeats?

By Pamela Palumbo, CEO This year, Roe v Wade was overturned – and we all celebrated! What a victory for babies, and women!  However, the verse that God has been bringing to mind month after month is not about peace, or stillness, or even celebration. It is a verse of action. Press on, Paul exhorted the Philippians